Archive for the ‘Donate’ Tag

D Movement: Calculate Your Spring Cleaning Impact

By Jennifer Kalifa, Donations Manager

Spring is in the air! Yes it is. Does anyone feel like you need to do some Spring cleaning? Cleaning out closets and drawers is a great way to start a new season. Really, come on get these items into Goodwill, where you can change lives. Goodwill is in need of gently-used items that you no longer need. We turn your items into jobs. Jobs for those who need help finding one and gaining that feeling of independence.

I know what it’s like to help someone change their life. I see it every day with the members of my team. For instance, Byron Sheffield. I know you’ve seen him in Goodwill’s television commercials. He is a real life success story and I’m pleased to say that I had a hand in helping Byron become the man he is today. When I worked in Goodwill’s retail department he was an attendant at one of our stores. He impressed me with how hard he worked to please the donors. Today he is a donations supervisor.

Since coming to the donations department I have watched him grow in so many areas. He now has some computer knowledge and creates the schedule for all of the employees who work for him. In a nutshell, he has just really shown me that the sky is the limit with him. This is what your donations do for people. How awesome is that? It gives me chill bumps just thinking about how cool it is to be a part of a company that really does change lives.

Have you calculated your impact?

D Movement: ‘Tis the season for giving… but you have given all year long

Jennifer Kalifa, Donations Manager

I’ve been a part of Goodwill for almost 18 years and, let me tell you, it’s been exciting! I have seen the company grow and what’s been especially important to me is how many lives we’ve changed. It’s because of you, our donors, and I want to thank each and every one of you. You do so much to help so many and should be proud of yourself for what you do with every item you donate.

There are many ways your donations change lives. Because you give, you’ve provided jobs for 100 employees in the donations department and 1,400 others who work in our processing centers, our retail stores, our transportation department, our corporate employees and everyone else associated with our Goodwill. That’s a lot of lives that have been changed because of your generosity.

Your donations also provide fun and affordable shopping experiences for the people who rely on Goodwill for their clothes, furnishings, household items, and overall great ‘finds’. If you’ve not stopped in one of our stores, I’ll tell you, you’re missing out on great deals!

I like to think of Goodwill as one of the original recyclers. We take the items you don’t need any longer and return them to the retail side of our business so they can find a second life with someone else. That means less in the landfills.

But more than that, I like the culture at Goodwill. I like that we’re a self-sustaining company and I like it that the more donations we receive, the more money we have to provide more people job training and skills. Everything extra truly means more jobs and opportunities.

I love going into our stores and seeing people I hired many years ago who still enjoy their jobs. I think Goodwill offers unlimited opportunities and each employee truly has the opportunity to be the best, regardless of their barrier.

Our name, Goodwill, says it all. A lot of times I think it’s important for people to look back to see how far we’ve come. We don’t waste people’s money and are truly resourceful. The more money we make, the more money we can put into programs. Not many companies can say they’re financially stable and that’s comforting for me. We’re little ‘ole Goodwill and we keep growing, helping and proving we’re here to help. I hope everyone has an awesome holiday season!

We are thankful for you all year long. Tell us, how could we make your donation experience better?

D Movement: Need a reason to clear out the clutter…

Karl Houston, Senior Director of Marketing & Community Relations

The fall fashion magazines are on the newsstands, enticing you to shop for new sweaters and slacks, shoes and stocking fillers. Now that we’re heading towards Thanksgiving and Christmas, the ads will keep coming and you’ll be tempted, very tempted, to stock your closets.  But chances are your closets are already bulging and you know it’s time to do a fall clearance at home.

Spend a little time clearing the clutter to make room for all those new items that you’ll be giving or getting as gifts this holiday.  Where to give your gently-used items is a much easier decision than which outfit to splurge on for the company party. Give it to Goodwill.  Better yet, shop for that outfit at any of our stores. Goodwill is one of the hippest shopping spots with many items that are barely used and prices that are easy on the holiday-stretched wallet.  We offer gift cards as well.

So, as you plan your holiday shopping keeping this in mind.  When you donate to Goodwill, or shop at one of our 31 stores, you support an organization that helps individuals with disabilities and disadvantages find jobs and regain their self-esteem. Thanks to you, more than 87 cents of every dollar goes to our program services.  Free services.  That’s a great gift to give.

For more information on where or what to donate, visit us at  As always, thank you for thinking of Goodwill because our business is changing lives.  And if you’d like to share a story with us, please comment here.