Archive for the ‘clearing the clutter’ Tag

D Movement: Calculate Your Spring Cleaning Impact

By Jennifer Kalifa, Donations Manager

Spring is in the air! Yes it is. Does anyone feel like you need to do some Spring cleaning? Cleaning out closets and drawers is a great way to start a new season. Really, come on get these items into Goodwill, where you can change lives. Goodwill is in need of gently-used items that you no longer need. We turn your items into jobs. Jobs for those who need help finding one and gaining that feeling of independence.

I know what it’s like to help someone change their life. I see it every day with the members of my team. For instance, Byron Sheffield. I know you’ve seen him in Goodwill’s television commercials. He is a real life success story and I’m pleased to say that I had a hand in helping Byron become the man he is today. When I worked in Goodwill’s retail department he was an attendant at one of our stores. He impressed me with how hard he worked to please the donors. Today he is a donations supervisor.

Since coming to the donations department I have watched him grow in so many areas. He now has some computer knowledge and creates the schedule for all of the employees who work for him. In a nutshell, he has just really shown me that the sky is the limit with him. This is what your donations do for people. How awesome is that? It gives me chill bumps just thinking about how cool it is to be a part of a company that really does change lives.

Have you calculated your impact?